UP Board Class 12 English Real Paper 2023 || वार्षिक पेपर 2023 कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी यूपी बोर्ड
177 316 (EF)
( नया पाठ्यक्रम )
समय : 3 घंटे 15 मिनट ] [ पूर्णांक : 100
Note : First 15 minutes are allotted
for the candidates to read the
question paper.
Instructions :
i) This question paper is divided
into for sections A,B,C and B
ii) All question from all the
sections are compulsory
iii) Marks are indicated against each
iv) Read the questions very carefully
before you start answering them
( Reading )
1. Read the following passage
carefully and answer the question
that follow.
Ram Mohan Roy had sounded the
theme with his passionate
advocacy of social reform ;
Vivekanand repeated it with a more
nationalist timbra, when he
declared that the highest form of
service of the great mother was
social service. Other great Indians
chief of home was Mahatma
Gandhi, developed the theme of
social service as a religious duty,
and the development continuous
under Gandhi successors.
The fever rose very high and all
that night the boy were delirious.
Bishamber bought in a doctor.
Patik opened his eyes flushed with
fever, and looked up to the ceiling,
and said vacantly : "uncle have the
holidays come yet? May I go
home? Bishamber wiped the tears
from his own eyes and took
Phatik's lean and burning hands in
his own and set by him through the
night. The boy begin again to
mutter. At last his voice became
excited, "Mother," he cried, don't
beat me like that! Mother! I am
telling the truth.
i) Whom did Ram Mohan Roy give
voice to?
ii) Whose words did Vivekananda
iii) What did Patik kisi first when he
opened his eye
iv) Why was the boy grumbling?
v) What disease was the boy suffering
( Writing )
2. Write an article on anyone of the
following topics in about 100-150
words : 10
a) Challengers before our country.
b) How can we make our environment
c) Democracy in the year that follows.
3. Write a letter to the C.M.O of your
district requesting him to initiate a
vaccination program in your college.
Write a letter to your principal requesting
him to organise a district level debate on
'Religion and Politics'in your college.
( Grammar )
4. Choose the correct option to answer
the following questions : 5×2=10
a) Undue favour to place one's
relatives in lucrative posts is called
i) casteism
ii) individualism
iii) secularism
iv) nepotism
b) The phrase 'on the wane' means
i) increasing
ii) developing
iii) decreasing
iv) striking
c) The synonym of despise is
i) love
ii) hate
iii) respect
iv) select
d) 'Rohit has gone before his father
come.'Which words in the above
sentence is an error?
i) gone
ii) before
iii) his
iv) come
e) The antonym of severe is
i) mild
ii) bold
iii) fertile
iv) hide
5. a) Change any one of the following
into indirect narration : 2
i) Mohit said to Rita, "Why did you
stop here?"
ii) The teacher said to the children, "Do
not quarrel with your sisters."
b) Combine any one of the following as
directed: 2
i) The thief was punished. The thief
was fined.
(Compound sentence)
ii) When does the train arrive? I do
not know the time.
(Complex sentence)
c) Transform any one of the following
as directed : 2
i) Kashmir is not so hot as Bhopal.
(Comparative degree)
ii) What made you happy?
(Passive voice)
d) Correct any one of the following
sentences: 2
i) He could not secure passing marks.
ii) If he will come, I shall teach him.
e) Use any one of the following pair of
words in your own sentences to make
the difference in their meanings
clear 2
i) pain - pane
ii) adapt - adept
6. Translate the following into English : 5
भारतवर्ष एक महान देश है। इसका अतीत बहुत ही
शानदार रहा है। विदेशी आक्रमणकारियों ने इस देश
को लूटने का प्रयास किया। इसकी संस्कृति तथा
इसके ज्ञान-विज्ञान को मिटाने का प्रयास किया। परंतु
देश प्रेमियों के बलिदान और बहादुरी के कारण वे
सफल नहीं हुए। आज भी देश में किसी चीज की
कमी नहीं है। यदि दिन दूनी रात चौगुनी बढ़ती हुई
जनसंख्या पर नियंत्रण हो जाए तो देश पुनः समृद्ध
हो जाएगा।
( Literature )
7. Answer the following questions in
about 40 words each: 4+4=8
a) Who was Mukesh and what was his
How deep was the pool? What was
there inside the water?
b) What did Hamel say about the
French language?
Who was the rattrap seller ? How
did he make them ?
8. Answer any one of the following in
about 80 words: 7
a) Why did Rajkumar Shukla invite
Gandhiji to Champaran ? How did
Gandhiji solve the problems of
b) Who is Mukesh different from the
other bangle makers of Firozabad?
9. Read the following extract carefully
answer the questions that follow.
Far far from gusty waves
These children's faces,
Like rootless weeds, the hair was
Torn round their pallor;
The tall girl with her weight-down head
The paper seeming boy, with rat's eyes.
The stunted, unlucky heir,
of twisted bones,
Reciting a father's gnarled disease,
His lesson from his desk.
a) Who are far from gusty waves?
b) How are the eyes of paper
seeming boy?
c). "Like rootless weeds, the hair was
Torn round their pallor."
Point out the figure of speech used
in the above lines.
10. Write the central idea of any one of
the following poems: 4
i) My mother at sixty-six
ii) keeping Quiet
iii) Ant Jennifer's Tiger.
11. Answer the following questions in
about 40 words each : 4+4=8
a) What did the astrologer tell about
the death of the tiger king?
What did the author realize reaching
b) Who was Geoff Green? What did
he offer to the students?
Who was clare? Why was Jack
worried about her?
12. Answer any one of the following
questions in about 80 words: 7
a) Who was Dr. Sadao? How did he
meet Hana and married to her ?
b) What type of garden does Mr.
Lamb have? Why does he like it?
अगर आप इस पेपर की पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं और उत्तर भी चाहिए तो नीचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक करें सारे उत्तर वहां दिए गए हैं और साथ में वीडियो भी डाउनलोड करें।
👉यूपी बोर्ड वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 कक्षा बारहवीं अंग्रेजी पेपर डाउनलोड करें उत्तर के साथ
अन्य पेपर भी देखें -
• यूपी बोर्ड 2023 परीक्षा कक्षा 12वीं भौतिक
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