Cg board class 6th English quarterly exam 2022-23 || सीजी बोर्ड कक्षा-6वीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर solution 2022

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Cg board class 6th English quarterly exam 2022-23 || सीजी बोर्ड कक्षा-6वीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर solution 2022

Cg board class 6th English quarterly exam 2022-23 || सीजी बोर्ड कक्षा-6वीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर solution 2022             

नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपके लिए कक्षा 6वीं सामाजिक विज्ञान के पेपर का full solution लेकर आए हैं। दोस्तों आपको हमारी website पर class 6th से लेकर class 8th तक के हर सब्जेक्ट के paper का solution provide करवाया जाएगा। तो इसलिए आप लोग हमारी website पर visit करते रहिएगा। और पोस्ट पसंद आए (आपके लिए उपयोगी साबित हो) तो अपने सभी दोस्तों के साथ भी शेयर करिएगा।

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Cg board class 6th English quarterly exam 2022-23 || सीजी बोर्ड कक्षा-6वीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर solution 2022        

Quarterly Exam 2022-2023

Class - 6th 

Subject - English

Time-2 hours.                                  Marks-50


Q.1 Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate articles-

(a) I have……..pen.

Ans- (a)

(b) This is……... apple.


(c) He is……... Best player of Hockey.


(d) ……...Ganga is holy river.

Ans- (the)

(e) ......... Earth is round.

Ans- (the)

(f) Sita is.......... Good girl. 

Ans- (a)

(g) I saw ……..old man.

Ans- (an)

(h) She is…... beautiful girl.

Ans- (a)

(i) ………Taj mahal is historical place.

Ans- (The)

(j) ............ boys are playing.

Ans- (The)

Q.2 Change the gender लिंग बदलो- 

Boy, Man, Mr., Uncle, King. Dog, Horse, Cock, Sir, Father


Boy- girl

Man - woman

Mr.- Mrs.

Uncle- aunt

King - queen

Dog- bitch

Horse- mare

Cock- hen

Sir- madam

Father- mother

Q.3 Change in Plural number-

Class, Box, Story. Ox, Toy. Wife, Mouse. Foot, Tooth. Leaf 


Class- classes

Box- boxex

Story- stories

Ox- oxen

Toy- toys

Wife- wives

Mouse- mice

Foot- feet

Tooth - teeth

Leaf- leaves

Q.4 Write an application to your headmaster for sick leave.


The Principal

St. Xaviers high school

New Delhi, India

Date day/month/year

Subject: Application requesting leave.

Respected sir/madam, 

With due respect and humble submission beg to state to you that I am a student of your esteemed school. I have tested positive in the typhoid test. I will not be able to come to school today.

I therefore request you to grant my application and allow me to stay at home. I shall be grateful to your for your kindness.

Thank you


Write an application to your headmaster for issue of transfer Certificate.

Q.5 Write an Essay on any one of the following-


Mahatma Gandhi.

My school

Q.6 Write the answer- नीचे लिखे प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखो- ( Any 5) 

(a)Who is Masai?

(b) Why do they keep the fire burning in their house? give three reason.

(c)What did the sun feel when he looked down?

(d) Who asked the little plant to wake up?

(e) What did the little plant see when it rose ?

(f) Where is the door of mousie's house?

Q.7 Write the forms of verb- (any 5) 

Come, Go, write, sing, eat, buy, make, play


Come, came, come

Go, went ,gone

Write, wrote, written

Sing ,sang ,sung

Eat, ate ,eaten

Buy, bought ,bought

Make ,made ,made

Play ,played ,played

Q.8 Write the opposite word. विलोम शब्द लिखो-

Day, Good, Big, Hot. Top, Clean, Fat. New, Go, Happy


Day - night

Good -bad

Big- small

Hot -cold

Top- bottom

Clean -dirty

Fat -thin

New -old

Go - come 

Happy sad

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