CG board Assignment-5 class 10th English solution 2021-22|class 10th English assignment-5 cgbse solution
नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपको CG Board ने दिसंबर माह के असाइनमेंट-5 जारी कर दिए हैं। तो हम आपको assignment 5 Class 10th English (अंग्रेजी) का संपूर्ण सॉल्यूशन इस पोस्ट में देखने वाले हैं|हमारी इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से आपको दिसंबर माह(छ.ग. बोर्ड असाईमेंट 5 डाउनलोड पीडीएफ 2021-22) के CG board assignment 5 Class 10 और 12th के सभी विषयों(all subject) का सॉल्यूशन आपको हमारी website पर देखने को मिल जाएगा। ।CG board assignment 5 class 10th और 12th के सभी विषयों का हल आपको हिंदी मीडियम(Hindi medium) और अंग्रेजी मीडियम(English medium) दोनों में उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। इसलिए आप हमारी website Nitya study पर विजिट करते रहिए।आशा करते हैं कि आपको हमारी यह पोस्ट जरूर पसंद आई होगी,अगर आपके लिए यह पोस्ट थोड़ी सी भी मददगार साबित हो तो आप इसे share जरूर करिएगा।
Chhattisgarh Board of secondary Education, Raipur
Academic session 2021-22 month December
Assignment - 05
Class - X
Subject - English
CG board Assignment-5 class 10th English solution 2021-22 |
1(a) Ibn battuta's friend asked him to be carvan judge.
(b) Ibn battuta's met a holy man named Burtan Al Din who could look into the future & told Ibn battuta that he was likely to visit India & china would meet many old friend in his travels. This made Ibn battuta happy.
2(a) Goblin folk
(b) crimson sky
(c) dragon
(d) stroll
Gandhi Marg, Durg
My dear father,
I received your kind letter this morning. Thanks a lot for his hope you are very well. I am also very fine. You have wanted to know about my hostel life. Now I am telling you in a few line about my hostel life. I reside in your school hostel I enjoy almost all faculties in your modern school hostel. It faces to the South it is well-airy lighted. The design of the hostel is very spectacular. To avoid why some strict rule which help me to lead a disciplined and plannet life.
We take breakfast lunch and super in time we eat rice fish egg meat dal vegetable fruits it's. We swim in our college hostel pond. Be play in your college play ground every afternoon there is a reading room for each students our hostel superintendent is our Hindi teacher. Really we are proud of our school hostel. Do not worry for me I am quite well with my best regard to you and mother.
Your loving
4(a) good advice had been given by me to her.
(b) by whom you are taught English.
(c) He required me to give him my pen.
(d) The doctor advised him not to move from his bed.
5(a) poet is taking about the place northland.
(b) In northland winter days are very short.
(c) when children were furry clothes to avoid the cold. They look like bears.
(d) few
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