How to Tell Wild Animals Questions and Answer PDF

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How to Tell Wild Animals Questions and Answer PDF

How to Tell Wild Animals Questions and Answer PDF

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How to Tell Wild Animals


         - Carolyn Wells 

Before you Read - This humorous poem suggests some dangerous ways to identify (or 'tell) wild animals! Read it aloud ,keeping to a strong and regular rhythm. 

पढ़ने से पहले - यह हास्य पूर्ण कविता जंगली जानवरों को पहचानने के कुछ खतरनाक तरीके बयान करती है । तेज आवाज में पढ़ें, कविता की लय बनाते हुए।


If ever you should go by chance

To jungles in the East;

And if there should to you advance

A large and tawny beast,

If he roars at you as you're  dyin'

You will know it is the Asian lion..

( इफ एवर यू शुड गो फॉर ए चांस

टू जंगल इन द ईस्ट

एंड इफ देअर शुड टू यू एडवांस 

ए लार्ज एंड टौनी बीस्त,

इफ ही रोर्स एट यू एज यू आर डायइन'

यू विल तो इट इज द एशियन लॉयन)

हिंदी अनुवाद - कैरोलीन वैल्ज़ कहती है कि अगर आप कभी पूरब के जंगलों में जाएं और अपना सामना एक विशालकाय और भूरे पीले जंगली जानवर से हो अगर वह आपको देखकर ऐसे दहाड़े कि आप उस दहाड़ को सुनकर डर से मरने लगे तो समझ लीजिए कि वह एशियाई शेर है.


Or if sometime when roaming round,

A Nobel wild beast greeds you,

With black stripes on a yellow ground,

Just notice if the eats you.

This simple rule may help you learn

The Bengal tiger to discern.

( ऑर इफ समटाईम वैन रोमिंग राउंड,

ए नोबल वाइल्ड बीस्ट ग्रीट्स यू

विद ब्लैक स्टेप्स ऑन यलो ग्राउंड,

जस्ट नोटिस इफ द इट्स यू .

दिस सिमपल रूल में हेल्प यू लर्न 

दी बंगाल टाइगर टू डिसर्न

हिंदी अनुवाद - और अगर कभी घूमते हुए एक शानदार जंगली जानवर आपका अभिवादन करें, उसके पीले शरीर पर काली धारियां हो और मैं आप को शिकार बनाने को तैयार हो तो आप को यह समझने में आसानी होगी कि यह बंगाल का बाघ है.

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If strolling forth, a beast you view,

Whose hide with sports is peppered,

As soon as he has lept on you,

You will know it is a leopard.

Twill do no good to roar with pain,

He will only lap and lap again.

( इफ स्ट्रोलिंग फोर्थ, ए बीस्ट यू व्यू,

हूज़ हाईड विद स्पोर्ट्स इज पेपर्ड

एज़ सून एज़ ही हैज़ लेफ्ट ऑन यू ,

ट्विल डू नो गुड टू रौर विद पेन,

ई विल ओनली लैप एंड लैप अगेन)

हिंदी अनुवाद - अगर आपको चहलकदमी करते हुए ऐसा जंगली जानवर दिखे जिसकी खाल पर काले धब्बे हो और वह आप को शिकार बनाने को झपते तो आप समझ जाएं कि यह चीता है वह आपको दर्द से कराहने का मौका ही नहीं देगा (अर्थात झपट्टा मारकर खा ही जाएगा) वह आप पर सिर्फ झपट्टा ही मारता रहेगा ।


If when you are working around your yard,

You meet a creature there,

Who hugs you very, very hard,

Be sure it is a bear.

If you have any doubts, I guess

He will give you just one more caress.

( इफ वैन यू आर वाकिंग अराउंड योर यार्ड

यू मीट ए क्रिएचर देयर 

हू हग्स यू वेरी वेरी हार्ड,

बी शुर झट इज ए बीअर

इफ यू हैव एनी डाउट्स आई गैस

ही विल गिव यू जस्ट वन मोर करैस )

हिंदी अनुवाद - अगर आप अपने आसपास के बाड़े में घूम रहे हो वहां आपको एक जीव मिले जो आपको बहुत जोर से आलिंगन में ले ले,आप शर्तिया समझ जाइए कि यह थालू है ।अगर आपको कोई भी संदेह हो तो मेरा अनुमान है कि वह आपको एक और बार प्रेम पूर्वक दुलार करेगा ।

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Though to distinguish beasts of prey

A novice might nonplus,

The crocodile you always may

Tell from The Hyena thus:

Hyenas come with marry smiles:

But if they weep they are crocodiles.

(थॉट टू डिस्टिंग्वश बीस्ट्स ऑफ प्रे

ए नोवीस माइट नॉनप्लस

द क्रोकोडाइल यू ऑलवेज में

टेल फ्रॉम द हाईना दस

हाईना कम विद मैरी स्माइल्स 

बट झफ दे वीप दे आर क्रोकोडाइल्स )

हिंदी अनुवाद - शिकारी जानवरों को पहचानने में कोई नौसिखिया धोखा खा सकता है जैसे - मगरमच्छ और लकड़बग्घा के बारे में - लकड़बग्घा हमेशा मुस्कुराता सा प्रतीत होता है और मगरमच्छ हमेशा आंसू बहाता सा दिखाई देता है ।


The true chameleon is a small,

A lizard sort of things;

He has not any ears at all,

And not a single wing.

If there is nothing on the tree,

'Tis the chameleon you see.

(द ट्रू कमीलियन इज स्मॉल

ए लिजर्ड शार्ट ऑफ थिंक

ही हैव नॉट एनी ईयर्स एट ऑल 

एंड नॉट ए सिंगल विंग 

इफ देयर इज नथिंग ऑन द ट्री 

टिस दी कमीलियन यू सी )

हिंदी अनुवाद - गिरगिट एक छोटी छिपकली की तरह दिखाई पड़ता है उसके कान नहीं होते और पंख भी नहीं गिरगिट अपने वातावरण के अनुसार रंग बदल देती है, अगर आपको लगे पेड़ पर कुछ नहीं है इसका मतलब वहां पर गिरगिट है ।

Central Idea of the Poem

This poem revolves around the dangerous way to identify the wild animals. The poet Carolyn wells tries to tell about the animals in the humorous way. She treats the beats in a gentle manner and for each animal see creates wild humour. Poetess tells how to identify. Wild animals by different ways which are risky but funny. According to har we can  recognizes an animals by the way it kills.

Textual Exercises - 

1. Does dyin really rhyme with lion  ? Can you say it in such a way that is does

Ans. The word dyin is actually dying. The poet has created a rhyming effect in the poem by changing it do dyin so that it rhymes with lion. When one pronounce dyin it rhymes with the word lion.

2. How does the poet suggest that you identify the Lion And The Tiger? when can you do so according to him?

Ans. The poet differentiates between the Lion And The Tiger in the following manner

He Says, if the beast is of yellow tawny colour and it roars out fiercely at you then this is an Asian lion

Whereas as if the beast has black steps on yellow skin and he tries to attack. You then it is a Bengal Tiger.

He says Lion roars so loudly so as one dies out of fright, on the other hand the tiger never gives you a change to escape. 

3. Do you think the word lept and lep in the third stanza are spelt correctly? why does the poet spell them like this?

Ans . No, the words lept and lep are spelt incorrectly. The poet has spent them like this to maintain the rhythm of the poem. This is a poetic device to Rhythm with Leopard and to lay emphasis on the actions of the leopard.

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4. Do you know what bearhug is? It's a friendly and strong hug - such a bears are thought to give as the attack you! Again Hyenas are thought to laugh and crocodiles to weep (Crocodile tears) as the swallow their victims. Are there similiar expression and popular ideas about wild animals in your own languages?

Ans. A bear hug age supposed to be a very intimate and powerful hug. This is the hug bears are thought to give to their prays. They tried to be friendly but in reality. They can be dangerous. Hyenas Never laugh. Their face is such that have a weird smile and they seen to smile like humans before attacking their pray. Their smile is deceptive.  Similarly crocodiles never weep. When they swallow their victims, dear tars come out automatically. Yes every language has similar expressions and popular ideas about animal. 

5. Look at the line ' a novice might nonplus. How to would you write this correctly? Why is the poet incorrect line better in the poem?

Ans. The correct order of the sentence would be ' A noveice might be nonplussed'. The poet incorrect line seems to be better as the poet wrote it in order to bring, rhyme to his poem. The world nonplus rhymes with the word thus. 

6. Can you find other examples of poets talking liberties with language, either in English are in your own language? Can you find examples of humorous poems in your own language?

Ans. Poets generally talk liberties with language to create a special poetic effect it is called poetic licence.

For example, in this poem 'dyin' is used in place of 'dying' to create a rhyming effect.

In the poem '' Hickory,dickory,dock.

The mouse ran up the clock'


Duck and clock are rhyming with each other thought they are not right.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest.

''Again the earth's sweet following breast''

Prest and breast are rhyming thought they are not right.

7. Much of the humour in the poem arises from the way language is used, although the ideas are funny as well. If there are particular lines in the poem that you especially like, share these with the class speaking briefly about what it is about the ideas are the language what you like our find funny?

Ans. The poet has used the language in a way that arrives humour. His ideas are funny .

I especially like the following lines of the poem.

(i). If he roars at you as you are dyin you will know it is the Asian lion.

(ii). Just notice if the eats you Bengal Tiger

(iii). Hyenas come with merry smiles.

(iv). But if they weep they are crocodile.

The ideas are treated humorously. Some animals may seem to be embracing,hugging,smiling or weeping but there activities are deadly 

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